Ways to Connect

Please contact Hilary (Garden Coordinator & Educator, 615-601-2790) or Jenny (Community Connections Intern) to inquire about any opportunities and events on this page or the Calendar of Events. 

If you would like to receive occasional updates about upcoming events and gatherings, let Hilary know that you would like to join the garden list. 

Also be sure to visit the Calendar of Events regularly to see what we're up to!

Come on down to the weekly Saturday Garden Market. To begin in mid-May, 2013 at the Main Street Cooperative on Main Street. The market will feature Six Boots Collective produce and CSA pick-up, ENCM organic and Biodynamic produce/herbs/flowers, eggs from Windy Acres Farm, and other local artisan products.

Start or become a Peace Garden. Be a part of the network of ENCM partner gardens, sharing time, resources, and harvests as we grow peace in our community. Contact us to learn about how to apply, and we can help you to connect with others who can help you get started. 

Attend or lead a skill-share session. Have you learned a new growing technique or homesteading skill you'd like to share with others? Use our space and coordinate with us to set up an amateur-led learning opportunity.

Participate in or lead a study group. ENCM hosts monthly City Gardener Gatherings, potlucks, and a Biodynamic agriculture study group, and a Wendell Berry reading group is coming soon. 

Suggest or lead a growing or homesteading workshop. What would you like to learn from the amazing garden/sustainable living leaders in Nashville? Let us know, and we'll add it to our workshop schedule.

Join us at community discussions & seeds swaps. These events can help you to connect to the backyard food culture in the Nashville area, hear unique ideas about how small-scale growers can help to provide food for our communities, and also get together to share resources.

Donate or lend resources. We appreciate donations of harvests from your garden, items on our garden wish list, and funding for our garden programs. We also appreciate help from those with trucks for garden supply pick-up.

Be a part of the Urban Farm Cooperative. Choose garden projects (see list below) that appeal to you as we cooperate in creating a thriving, bountiful growing space at ENCM. These projects will take dedicated effort over time, so your time spent with us will be purposeful and fulfilling. You choose what you'd like to learn the most and we can help you to connect with others. You don't have to be experienced to get started - these are intended to be learning opportunities! 

2013 Volunteer Project list:
  • garden care basics … water, plant, weed, turn compost, transplant starts
  • signage … create beautiful plant and garden signs that communicate effectively
  • tool library … set up and maintain library system of shared tools
  • carpentry … create & maintain wood garden structures
  • biodynamic practices … Biodynamic  coordinator
  • forest gardening … care for food forest areas
  • garden events … create down-to-earth, beautiful, fun garden events
  • social marketing … communicate our story, programs, events with social marketing 
  • natural garden building … create garden structures with bamboo, twigs, sticks, found & recycled materials
  • grains … grow grains - from seed to harvest to bread
  • medicinal herbs … create medicinal herb areas, harvest & make things to sell
  • compost … maintain, create rich  & healthy compost piles; set up system with kitchen 
  • vermiculture … maintain, create rich  & healthy worm compost 
  • harvest to pantry… harvest, track, wash, display produce inside - weekly or twice weekly
  • creative kids' projects … create and gather materials for fun creative kids' garden projects
  • fruit … care for fruit trees & shrubs, create new fruit areas
  • flowers … care for flowers, create new flower areas, make arrangements to share & sell
  • herb market … care for herbs to harvest and sell to public and restaurants
  • Garden to Pantry Liaison … create and grow relationships that connect garden programs with pantry programs
  • art projects in the garden … create art in the garden with community that educates and beautifies
  • School Garden Liaison … create and grow relationships that support school garden programs 
  • Church Garden Liaison … create and grow relationships that support church garden programs 
  • Wendell Berry book study leader … lead study group on his agriculture topics
  • mow gathering spaces … use manual push mower, scythe, hand tools to keep open areas neat

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